10/31/2010 0 Comments Day 34At the Peloni's fall festival, it was just going to be a picture of Curtis but Jaenelle insisted on being in it too.
10/30/2010 0 Comments Day 33I can't actually take credit for this one, Uncle Paul took it. Silly me didn't have my camera on me at the time. The little girl is my niece Tera who was turning 3 years old on the 31st, my nephew Buddy, and their mom Candace.
10/29/2010 0 Comments Day 32My strawberry delight cake cooling off before I put on the cool whip. It was for Grandma Poarch's birthday party the next day.
10/27/2010 0 Comments Day 30A few years ago I was giving this yarn and since I finished my other crochet projects I decided to start a new one with this yarn finally.
10/26/2010 0 Comments Day 2910/25/2010 0 Comments Day 28Finished baby blanket for my nephew I started a couple weeks ago and have been working on while watching tv on and off.
10/24/2010 0 Comments Day 2710/23/2010 0 Comments Day 26Curtis and Caly chillin out before we had to go to his parents to help fix a hole in the side of their house.
10/22/2010 0 Comments Day 25This was the before shot of the front of house. I actually installed the plant bed and pathway that goes from the end of the house to the steps of the porch. I didn't finish painting the porch yet so you will have to wait till I do for the after shot.
StephanieThis is my picture project 365. A picture a day started the day after my 29th birthday and ending on my 30th birthday. Archives
May 2016