1/24/2011 0 Comments All Praises to GodHis joy and fire are just raining down on me and at my church. Yesterday we had some incredible services. The Holy Spirit was moving so strong. When I went up to altar call and started praying it was completely in tongues. Curtis (my hubby) said that I was up there on fire for around 20 minutes or so. It would have been longer then that if I hadn't heard the pastor wrapping up the service up and dismissing everyone.
I believe God didn’t stop there with me either. I truly believe He gave me a vision that night while I was sleeping. It was like no other dream I had ever had before and at the end I was suddenly woken and told to remember it. I will admit at first I thought it might have just been me and I even asked God for a sign to start with. After a little bit though I decided that it wasn’t right to ask God for a sign so I told him never mind I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked for more. Cause if it was from God it will come to pass and if its from me it won’t. God being His amazing and all powerful self He gave me another sign though. I didn’t realize it was a sign until about a half hour ago when I looked up what I felt He said to me afterwards. God has blessed me so much so far and just keeps adding to those blessings.
1/19/2011 0 Comments God is Awesome!!!I went for open prayer before bible study tonight. It was incredible I got so into just worshiping and praying to Him that it didn't matter what was going on around me. I just kept praying for His presence to just rain down on me. He did just that the Holy Ghost just filled me up so intensely is was so amazing words can't even describe how great it was. Praise God these experiences during this fast have really blessed me and helped me to get closer to God. Telling the flesh that it's not in charge of you and that you don't care what it wants is so freeing.
1/18/2011 0 Comments It's not pointless"For the Lord is God, and he created the heavens and earth and put everything in place. He made the world to be lived in, not to be a place of empty chaos."
Isaiah 45: 18 Things in life will happen that to some may seem pointless or without reason. Just because you don't know or can't understand the reasons behind events that happen it does not make them pointless. You are not meant to comprehend all the mysteries of the universe or life seem to have. What is important is knowing God has a plan for your life. And that He loves you so much and wants you to succeed. If He didn't care He wouldn't of given you an instruction manual(Bible) to guide you and He wouldn't have sent His only son to die for you. 1/17/2011 0 Comments New Layout & FastingI finally finished the new layout today. Well mostly finished it there is some fine tuning with text and such I still need to finish. Yes it's blue again which is to be expected since it is my favorite color. It's a bit different then my previous ones though I think. One major difference I doesn't have clouds. Lol. I think it's simplistic but interesting enough to fit me. If it wasn't for God's help I'm not sure it would have gotten done. I had a lot of issues getting it to work. After a bit of annoyance, taking a break from it and praying for God's guidance I was able to get it working today.
Pastor Shawn last night gave some good advice on fasting, which included journaling it so I decided to do that. On our church website WayWord Ministries has the messages from our pastors, including last nights which actually I video taped. It's not the best quality but it's not to terrible for a first attempt and it does the job of getting the message out there. Back to the fasting I'm on day fifteen of twenty-eight. I'm doing my own style of fast. I wanted not to fail because getting closer to God is very important to me. The first two weeks I was eating 3 small meals with no snacking. I cut out meat(except egg only if it is used for baking a dish), desserts including candies and such, eating out, and only drinking milk or non-flavored water . Mostly just water though. After much prayer I decided today that for final two weeks I'm going to one small meal with a very small snack if needed and all the other restrictions still in place. There have been some tough moments but seeking God harder during those moments make all the difference. On day six I had such an amazing experience with God. The night before I had come to a revelation on something that part of me though should be kind of sad. The next day though when someone asked me about what it was and upon telling them I had what I can best describe was an intense peaceful feeling come over me. I knew that everything was fine and how it was suppose to be. Followed by the peaceful feeling I was overwhelmed with incredible joy. It was amazing it was like God's joy just took complete control. I couldn't stop smiling or being cheerful. Even doing household chores was a joyful experience. It truly was a outstanding feeling. I'm excited to see what else God has in store. On a side note I've lost 7 pounds so far. Losing weight is not the reason I'm doing this at all but it is a welcomed benefit to it. Technically though I guess I am trying to lose weight but not the physical kind but the worldly kind. I want to come through this experience caring less about what the world thinks about me and what the world considers right. I desire to focus on being more Christ like, becoming closer to God, and knowing what His will for my life is. 1/6/2011 0 Comments Back & UpdatingWe got from Indiana on the first and have been settling back in post vacation and holidays. Last night I started updating the 365 blog. I didn't realize quite how far behind I got. Hoping to catch up with it with in the next week or so. I may also start working on the new layout for the site.
Happy New Year everyone. God has some amazing stuffed planned for this year I can just tell. |
StephanieWelcome to my site and my life. I post updates on things I am doing or adding to my site, about what's going on in my life good or bad, & things that I believe the Holy Spirit prompts me to. I live to glorify God in all I do, to share His everlasting, unfailing love, and the nearly unbelievable good news of Jesus Christ. TopicsAll Birthdays Fitness Gardening Health Kitties Life Loss Pregnancy/kids School Scriptures Site Remodeling Things To Think On Updates Archives
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