10/25/2013 0 Comments Less StressGod is so good. Got to brag on what He has done for me recently. I used to stress so much about certain things but the more I trust in Him the less and less I worry and it's so amazing. Her are a few recent things that normally would stress me out, one I wouldn't even do normally. First, the other day some one came inches from me merging into my van with me and Abby in it. I would have freaked out before but this time I just had peace that everything was fine. I have a cake I need to finish today. Normally I would be watching the clock every 2 seconds freaking out about getting it done, but instead I am not over doing it. It will get done when it needs to be finished. Lastly Curtis is working in town today and if I was working up at the church I would go to lunch with him, but I am working from home today. Normally the idea of spending the gas money just to go eat with him and the time when I have a cake to make would stop me. Not today, I wanted to spend time with my hubby. With him gone most weeks we don't get a lot and I refuse to regret missing out on times that we could spend together. These are just a few examples.
10/25/2013 0 Comments Little ThingsĀIt has reached hot cocoa temperatures in my house. Thank God I found a peppermint to go in it God doesn't just care about the big things in your life. He wants all of you which includes the little things everyone have a blessed day!
10/24/2013 0 Comments Remain FaithfulI already told one person this but I feel like someone else needs to hear it. God is the God of breakthroughs. He makes what seems impossible a reality. Your breakthrough is coming! Remain faithful, the harvest is on the way!
10/21/2013 0 Comments Got Fruit?You want a better life that produces fruit? Stop being a religious robot and start focusing on your relationship with Christ.
10/20/2013 0 Comments Vow Renewal BandsWe never did wedding bands but I think I found us some for the vow renewal :) We decided to go with these rings cause I like the font better and should be easier to keep clean cause of the high polish. While trying to figure out our ring sizes I found a ring that I forgot my mom had gotten me to use as a wedding band from Avon. I hadn't been wearing it because it didn't fit me back then but since I weigh less now it fits It's kind of funny to me that Curtis & I have the same ring size.
10/18/2013 0 Comments Diapers & OutfitsFirst I have to say I am impressed with the cheap stage 3 diapers at SAMs. Her overnight diaper was filled with pee and poop with no leakage. None of the name brands we have used held up to that. I know my daughter is in the high percentile for her age. She will be 6 months next Saturday and I love her as she is. Mommy wants her to be tall like her daddy. What I don't get is if clothes are designed for 6-9 months the why do a lot of them seem not long enough for her. They are hard to snap the bottom of the onesie and the neck line seems low. The width is lose so it's not cause she is super fat. Anyways she is holding her bottle a lot more yay! The other day she was sitting on my leg playing with her one bounce toy when she use to it pull herself into the standing position she did it more than once too.
10/15/2013 0 Comments Loving LifeJoy overflowing. Living a Holy Spirit led life. God is so Awesome!
Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. Most people find this subject as one that shouldn't be talked about but strongly disagree. Having lost an early pregnancy, then Malachi Zeke & Safira Trinity I believe that even though they had short lives they should be remember and celebrated. I love them very dearly and miss them. I know they are having an amazing time with Jesus & my daddy. I don't know why they couldn't have stayed long but I know God never left or forsake me during their loss. He comforted me and gave me the strength to endure. He blessed us with a precious little girl we got to keep and I treasure every moment with her even more cause I know how fragile life is. For everyone that has lost a little one I pray God's peace & comfort over you & rebuke any spirit that tries to take that away from you today.
10/12/2013 0 Comments God's Tomato PlantsCurtis & I were outside when I looked over at the table with the pots containing the dead tomato plants that my daddy had given us spring 2012. To our shock we saw these in one of the pots there were 2 tomato plants growing. One even has a tomato growing. Seeds from the plant last year must of sprouted and grown with no help other than God's. God is so good and amazing.
10/12/2013 0 Comments On the MoveI was on the back side of our good sized island making us breakfast when Curtis put Abby in her walker on the opposite side of the island. I then went to say you know soon she will be walking that thing back her to see what I am doing. A few minutes later I hear a noise and look who came to visit mommy. She made it backwards (only way she goes so far) around 2 corners to get to mommy.
StephanieWelcome to my site and my life. I post updates on things I am doing or adding to my site, about what's going on in my life good or bad, & things that I believe the Holy Spirit prompts me to. I live to glorify God in all I do, to share His everlasting, unfailing love, and the nearly unbelievable good news of Jesus Christ. TopicsAll Birthdays Fitness Gardening Health Kitties Life Loss Pregnancy/kids School Scriptures Site Remodeling Things To Think On Updates Archives
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