33 years ago today was born a little boy that would grow up into an incredible man and perfect husband. I am so grateful God created Curtis and when He did he was made with me in mind. I know I am not the easiest to get along with. There are times I can't stand myself. Curtis has never given up on me and no matter what he stays by my side giving me support and strengthing my faith in God. I pray God gives us many more birthdays to celebrate together.
The first picture above was taken today after a friend that does Mary Kay gave me a mini makeover. The second picture is the urn for our little Safira Trinity. We finally got to pick it up today. It was a little emotional but God got us through it. I think because it's so close to mothers day it's a little tough on me because I was looking forward to kind of celebrating it with a big prego belly. Plus last mothers day I found out I was prego with Malachi. But I don't have a child to get me a card or anything cause my 3 babies are all with Jesus. I stand on God's promise though that I will be celebrating mother's day with my children someday.
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Saturday evening my water broke. I was only 18 weeks and 3 days pregnant so it was not a good thing at all. We immediatly went to the hospital and they did an u/s to confirm it did break. There was some fluid around our little girl and my cervix wasn't dialated. My dr decided that he would have me admitted and pray that the sac would reseal. Sunday afternoon they did another u/s and there was no change which the dr said was good cause cervix was still not dialating and the fluid wasn't any less. Sunday night though I started having contractions. Monday morning I delievered our little girl Safira Trinity. She lived for three hours but just couldn't breath cause her lungs weren't developed enough. She was a perfect little baby. I thank God so much for the nurses that took care of me and her they were so incredibly nice. I ended up getting an infection and was put on antibotics and released earlier today.
I know God has a plan for us and that one day we will have children we get to keep and raise. I could say so much more but I just don't have it in me right now. I know it's been over a month since I wrote. I have meant to a few times just never did. We had our 11 week doctor visit March 2nd. The doctor was very happy that I hadn't had any more bleeding. He did an u/s(pic above) and everything looked great. He was scared when he last saw us because the baby had moved on to the cervix when I lost that clump of lining. There doesn't seem to be any issues now. The baby was sleeping and the doctor wanted to see him moving around so he kept pushing on my belly telling him to move. Finally when he did it was so adorable. Stretching, scratching its head, and even looked like he was trying to pick his nose.
I finished my first 2 classes of Bible College last week. The one test wasn't to bad cause it was multiple choice but the second one was harder cause it was almost all fill in the blank. I know I second and third guessed myself into the wrong answers a couple of times. Not to much else going on I guess. We had my nephew's 1st birthday party at my house Saturday. I think it went pretty well. He seemed to have fun so that's what matters. My parents got a brand new Kia Forte yesterday. It's their first new car ever. I probably had more to say but I just can't think of it at the moment. |
StephanieWelcome to my site and my life. I post updates on things I am doing or adding to my site, about what's going on in my life good or bad, & things that I believe the Holy Spirit prompts me to. I live to glorify God in all I do, to share His everlasting, unfailing love, and the nearly unbelievable good news of Jesus Christ. Topics
November 2022