It's a couple of months short of a year since I wrote on this. Quite a bit has happened.
We sold our house that was near our families and bought one where we have been living for a few years now. It's not far from where we were renting. It's a 60s home so we have had to do a bit of work on it. The most major thing was all the cast iron drain pipes had to be replaced. We had that done professionally but the main bathroom of the house basically had to be gutted for it. We decided to save some money and redo it ourselves. It's taking us much longer than we would have liked since while Curtis has been doing a lot better he still have issues. He can only do things in short periods of time and then needs much longer to recover. I have helped with what I can but can't do as much either. My book Uniquely Made: My Journey Through Christianity is officially published. I am in the process of having an audiobook created for it since people prefer that nowadays. Check out my site for more info on it. Minus the Recipe pages I have the new layout of this site done. I will add more photos to sections as time goes on. In the future I may add a store versus only selling on Poshmark. First I want to get more items created and get a local business license (something I couldn't do till we got our own home).
It's a month short of two years since I wrote on here. It's been a crazy few of years. Lots of changes with life.
My hubby started having seizures and we spent a good year and half trying to get a doctor that would help us. He is now to the point that he can function again and live a better life. I personally have been dealing with some health issues also. We left the church that we helped plant. I wrote a book that is in the process of being published. I have a separate website that is for my writing. The original business I planned on starting didn't work out but I started selling on Poshmark making an Eccentric Hearts Closet I am selling handcrafted items along with reselling used clothing and home goods. Twelve days ago, I lost my mom in a tragic car accident. Nine years and six days after I lost my dad in one. I am still trying to process it. I keep thinking I will hear from her still. I am constantly wanting to message her something and remember that she isn't there to get it. I am not sure where I would be right now if it wasn't for my faith and God's comfort. Each day I make the choice to do the best with what I have and live a life that I would hope my parents would be proud of. I am updating the layout of this site and going to start updating the pages as well. Here is the reveal of the new logo. The hearts are hand drawn by me. I wanted a homemade feel.
I started updating the site design but I am not close to done yet. But hopefully I will be able to work on it regularly to get it finished in a timely manner. I am making the new design go live and make the changes as I can. I know It's been almost a year again. I have had a lot going on with family and church that I just haven't been able to do all that I have wanted to with this site. Things are about to change though. I am working on completely updating the site again and officially starting my own business. There is a lot to do. The first step completed is I filed to use Eccentric Hearts as my fictitious name for my business. I am trying to narrow down exactly what the business is going to be about. I am working on the paperwork things are just more complicated than I had hoped. I am trusting God to help get what I need done to do so since I feel like this is where He has been leading me with the different words I have gotten from Him this year.
Stay tuned I hope to start sharing some of what's been going on and what's ahead. It's not fully done but I went ahead and made my new layout go live for the website. Pages not done are the chocolates under the culinary tab and the entire photography section. Hopefully will get them done in the next week or two. Let me know what you think and if you come across any issues. Thanks.
We took a huge leap of faith last week and have moved so we could help plant a new life giving church in the Cape Canaveral/ Cocoa Beach area. From working on on doing this big life change I haven't been able to finish working on new layout or updating this site. Our new place has way faster internet so I am hoping over the next couple weeks I will be able to finish updating the website and then keep it update easier.
Decided to change the font and text location on my logo.
Still working on updating the new layout before making it go live. Hoping to get it done soon. Things just get a little more complicated with a 3 & 2 year old. While it is more complicated I love them so much and watching them grow and learn each day. I also have been working on approving my photo taking skills. Been doing and loving it. God's so Good! Lots in the works the past several months and even more things coming up in the next several months. More about most of that another time.
I wanted to say I am still here and yet again working on a new layout that I will hopefully finish and make go live in the next couple weeks. God is good all the time!! Made the new layout live last night. Still have a lot of pages it update and create some new ones. Having 2 kids under 3 years old makes it a little harder to get time to work on things. Not having all the church things to do though have freed some time and I will be trying to get things done & keep things more updated.
Since I have help create serveral logos for other people lately I decided it was time to create my own logo for website/fb page. Here are the 2 I came up with. 1 has the full name written out (which is what Curtis liked best) and the other is simplified with just initials.
StephanieWelcome to my site and my life. I post updates on things I am doing or adding to my site, about what's going on in my life good or bad, & things that I believe the Holy Spirit prompts me to. I live to glorify God in all I do, to share His everlasting, unfailing love, and the nearly unbelievable good news of Jesus Christ. Topics
November 2022