Friday I went to the OB and we saw the baby and got to hear the little heartbeat going 160. I was measuring 7 weeks 1 day so my due date is Sept 20th, which is 7 days before my birthday. Also we got awesome news that the protein s test came back normal so I don't have to get shots taken Late Saturday night I went to the bathroom there was bright red blood followed by a clot the size of my palm. After the clot passed the bleeding slowed down greatly. Curtis called the hospital they said if it didn't seem life threatening it would be best to wait to see our OB. We decided that after an hour or so the bleeding seemed to mostly stop we would wait for Monday. It did. We called the dr's office when they opened and told us just to come in they would fit us in somehow. We get there and the waiting room is packed and I of course think well we will be waiting a long time. That wasn't the case at all they actually took us back next. I am sure all the people there might have gotten aggrivated but I am sure if they knew the circumstances and it was them instead they would like the same treatment. He did the u/s and the baby was still in there when I saw the heart beating I was so relieved. Because of the clot coming out though instead of the baby being high in the uterius it's almost right against the cervix. The dr also spotted a subchroninic bleed. He gave us a 50/50 chance of keeping the baby. I did more research when I got home and most of the time the clot with remedy itself by 20 weeks. There is a 1-3% chance the clot could tear the placenta from the uterus wall and cause miscarrage. It was ressuring to see online several ladies experenced the same thing I did and went on to have perfectly healthy babies. I am trusting God for the best. My glass is half full! And my God can work miracles. By the way I am now on very light activity so I can't do the 5k.
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StephanieWelcome to my site and my life. I post updates on things I am doing or adding to my site, about what's going on in my life good or bad, & things that I believe the Holy Spirit prompts me to. I live to glorify God in all I do, to share His everlasting, unfailing love, and the nearly unbelievable good news of Jesus Christ. TopicsAll Birthdays Fitness Gardening Health Kitties Life Loss Pregnancy/kids School Scriptures Site Remodeling Things To Think On Updates Archives
October 2024